Tag: IT tools


Einstein, H.H., Dudt J.P., Halabe, V.B., and Descoeudres, F. (1992). Decision Aids in Tunneling: Principle and Practical Application. Monograph, 19 pages. Published by the Swiss Federal Office of Transportation, Bern, Switzerland.


Schwartz, C.W., Einstein, H.H., and Salazar, G.F. (1992). Instructional modules for tunnel design and construction. In Computing in Civil Engineering and Geographic Information Systems Symposium: Proceedings of the 8th National Conference (B.J. Goodno, J.R. Wright, eds.), 7-9 June, Dallas, Texas, pp. 368-375. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1992. ISBN 978-0872628694


Kinnicutt, P.G., Einstein, H.H., Lewis, J., and Noack, C. (1994). Extended visualization and geostatistical functionality in Nomad, a 3-d subsurface modeler. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 459-465. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809.


Halabe, V., Liu, S., Salazar, G.F., and Einstein, H.H. (1994). SIMSECTION: Knowledge based user interface for tunneling. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 429-435. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809


Einstein, H.H., and Kinnicutt, P. (1994). The Physical Geology Tutor. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 423-429. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809


Kim, G.F., Einstein, H.H., and Logcher, R.D. (1985). Decision support system for tunneling. In: Proceedings of the ASCE Fall Convention in Detroit, Michigan, October 1985.


Salazar, G.F., and Einstein, H.H. (1986). SIMSUPER5: Tunneling construction simulation. In: Proceedings of the ASCE Fall Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, October 27-31, 1986. ASCE library


Einstein, H.H., Salazar, G.F., , A.F., Kim, Y.W., and Ioannou, P.G. (1987). Computer-based decision support systems for underground construction. In: Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 14-18 June 1987. New York: Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1987.


Kinnicutt, P., Einstein, H.H., and Noack, C. (1996). Three-dimensional stratigraphic characterization for geotechnical exploration. Transportation Research Record, 1526, 183-190. doi:10.1177/0361198196152600124


Einstein, H.H., and Schwartz, C.W. (1979). Simplified analysis for tunnel supports. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 105 (4), 499-518.