Einstein, H.H., Dudt J.P., Halabe, V.B., and Descoeudres, F. (1992). Decision Aids in Tunneling: Principle and Practical Application. Monograph, 19 pages. Published by the Swiss Federal Office of Transportation, Bern, Switzerland.
Tag: IT tools
Schwartz, C.W., Einstein, H.H., and Salazar, G.F. (1992). Instructional modules for tunnel design and construction. In Computing in Civil Engineering and Geographic Information Systems Symposium: Proceedings of the 8th National Conference (B.J. Goodno, J.R. Wright, eds.), 7-9 June, Dallas, Texas, pp. 368-375. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1992. ISBN 978-0872628694
Kinnicutt, P.G., Einstein, H.H., Lewis, J., and Noack, C. (1994). Extended visualization and geostatistical functionality in Nomad, a 3-d subsurface modeler. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 459-465. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809.
Halabe, V., Liu, S., Salazar, G.F., and Einstein, H.H. (1994). SIMSECTION: Knowledge based user interface for tunneling. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 429-435. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809
Einstein, H.H., and Kinnicutt, P. (1994). The Physical Geology Tutor. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (H.J. Siriwardane, M.M. Zaman, eds.), vol.1, Morganton, West Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1994, pp. 423-429. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994. ISBN 9054103809
Kim, G.F., Einstein, H.H., and Logcher, R.D. (1985). Decision support system for tunneling. In: Proceedings of the ASCE Fall Convention in Detroit, Michigan, October 1985.
Salazar, G.F., and Einstein, H.H. (1986). SIMSUPER5: Tunneling construction simulation. In: Proceedings of the ASCE Fall Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, October 27-31, 1986. ASCE library
Einstein, H.H., Salazar, G.F., , A.F., Kim, Y.W., and Ioannou, P.G. (1987). Computer-based decision support systems for underground construction. In: Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 14-18 June 1987. New York: Society of Mining Engineers of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 1987.
Kinnicutt, P., Einstein, H.H., and Noack, C. (1996). Three-dimensional stratigraphic characterization for geotechnical exploration. Transportation Research Record, 1526, 183-190. doi:10.1177/0361198196152600124
Einstein, H.H., and Schwartz, C.W. (1979). Simplified analysis for tunnel supports. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 105 (4), 499-518.